Auto RFQ   

Experience 10x faster RFQ creation - powered by AI.
Win more, shorten sales cycles, match items and take complex quote creation from days to minutes.

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In sales, we understand numbers do the talking.
Here is what you can expect when partnering with SETVI:


Faster RFQ creation


Less time to look-up products


Increase of cross-sell items 

Shorten Sales Cycles With Quote Generation Speed and Accuracy

Eliminate Days of Manual Work

From simple requests to hundreds of line item quotes, SETVI Auto RFQ automatically matches items from an imported document, adds your branding, and auto-fills customers' details to a quote so you can transform a manual process from taking days to minutes.

Accelerate Your Quote Process With Multiple Document Intake

Eliminate document import, manual formatting or file type headaches. SETVI Auto RFQ creates a quote while automatically matching items on PDF, Pictures, Word, or Excel so your sales team can focus on what matters most.

A National Account Competitive Advantage  

More Than Item Matching, Respond To Win

Auto RFQ enhances product descriptions and adds use cases while matching and offering item alternatives. Move past product search roadblocks and enable National Accounts to instantly create a quote with an exact item match and good, better, and best alternatives with no added work.

Fine Tune Quotes With One Click

Empower your National Accounts team to quickly adapt and customize a quote with one click. All item matches offer alternatives aligned with strategic needs or goals, such as margin guardrails, pricing rules, preferred vendors, and private-label alternatives.

Upsell, Cross-Sell & Bundle Using Quotes

Maximize Selling Opportunities

Use machine learning to set product rules to define what items are compatible for upselling, cross-selling, and bundling for each customer. Automated product add-on prompts make increasing order value easy, with alerts for reordering and associated items.

Increase Average Order Value

Offer insight into potential upsell, cross-sell, and bundling opportunities for your representatives. This guided selling approach uses machine learning and considers purchase history, pricing, and availability factors to help sales reps efficiently and effectively increase average order value.

Live Pricing and Inventory

Always Accurate Dynamic Pricing

Access the most up-to-date pricing information, allowing your sales team to provide competitive quotes that reflect the latest market conditions.

Inventory Management

Ensure product availability and prevent stock and fulfillment issues with real-time inventory tracking, integrated directly into the quoting process.

Private Label, Vendor and Brand Prioritization

Strategic Product Promotion With AI 

Leverage AI to subtly prioritize private label products in search and recommendations when they match customer-specific criteria. SETVI understands your product, brand, white label, and vendor prioritization strategy. Our platform can actively suggest options for higher conversions and margins for each quote being created.

Intelligence Driven Margin Increase and Protection

Our AI model understands who the quote is being created for and takes into account order history and buying behavior - while also considering your margin guardrails and financial goals. This combined view ensures product recommendations are both strategic and commercially aligned.  

Streamline Workflow With
Seamless Integrations

Leading ERP, PIM & CRM Platforms

Distribution and Manufacturing Leaders Found On SETVI 

What our customers are saying

SETVI helped us to consolidate sales and marketing across twenty-two territories with hundreds of reps, each selling dozens of Middleby brands.

We needed a platform that's simple, intuitive, and enables reps to cross-sell all our offerings. SETVI helped us to do that.

Mark Easterday
Executive Vice President


Is Setvi a CRM ? An ERP ?
What does Powered by AI mean?
What is the difference between Sales Enablement and Revenue Enablement?
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